- Sophia Legissophia Legislation
- Sophia Legissophia Legislators
- Sophia Legissophia Legislative
- Sophia Legissophia Legislature
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As a woman Changemaker, do you want to make a bigger difference… but you are you stretched-thin, depleted, under-resourced? Do you wish you could bring more of yourself to work… but you have to leave the feminine and spiritual parts behind?
At Sophia Leadership, we believe that women will be the determining factor in creating the “More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible.” And we are committed to ushering in a new paradigm of peace, equality and environmental sustainability by developing and resourcing the women who will lead the way.
We all know that, as a woman leader, the challenges you face are steeper than those of your male counterparts: It’s harder to obtain the funding you need, get your work promoted, and be seen as credible.
- Sophia is shy yet friendly, and attracts people to her with her loving personality. She is hardly ever rude to anyone, and when she is, it is most definitely with reason. Sophia is mature, being the one in the group to smile softly while everyone else is squealing. She is empathetic.
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But the good news is this: The single most important limiting factor in your success as a ChangeMaker is not money, time, recognition – or any external circumstance. It’s your capacity to master the art of leadership, resource yourself from within, and magnetize support for your work.
YOU are the biggest opportunity for deepening your impact in the world.
In order to lead the way, we must BE the way
First the bad news (which is probably not news to you at all):
When you feel overwhelmed, over-extended, and under-resourced, you’ll tend to lead in a way that’s more reactive than creative.
When you’re feeling disconnected – from other women, from the earth, or from your own soul – you’ll likely have trouble using intuition and magic to magnetize the support you need.
If you you’re caught up in a hyper-Masculine culture, you may find yourself operating on over-drive, neglecting self-care, and forgetting who you are as a spiritual being.
As a woman, this is a sure-fire way to become dry, dull, lifeless – and less effective than you could be. Your leadership suffers, and your impact is diminished.
Now the good news: There is a better way. A much better way!
Truly impactful leadership is possible when you feel vibrantly alive, nourished and resourced… when your Higher Self is in the drivers seat (in your body!)… and when you are able to give from an overflow of life-force energy.
Even better, when you choose to co-create with the Divine and offer your work as an act of devotion, the Source of Life steps in to assist you in magical ways… and you can accomplish more, with less effort.
Sophia Legissophia Legislation
It becomes natural and easy to make the impact that you want to make. ,
What we do
At Sophia Leadership, we help women change-makers to trustFeminine ways of knowing, embodyFeminine power and wisdom, and create with Feminine magic. Our programs are a blend of both professional development (to take your leadership to the next level), and a spiritual journey (to support your soul’s expansion).
We are debunking three myths:
that success requires aligning only with Masculine values
that the Feminine is weak and passive
that spirituality must be separated from leadership
If we are to create the More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, nothing less will do.
Benefits you can look forward to
Feminine leadership brings real results.
Past participants in Sophia Leadership programs have experienced:
Vitality – Feeling alive, inspired and passionate
Ease – Meeting goals with less effort
Creativity – Increased flow of creative ideas
Support – Magnetizing resources and help for projects
Intuition – Following inner knowing and spiritual guidance
Authenticity – Leading from soul Essence (rather than ego personality)
Renewal – Ability to replenish energy, even when busy
Sophia is the wisdom that is the very fabric of our existence. She is so close, so pervasive, that we may not know how to speak of Her, or even know of Her existence. Sophia is the name we give to Her who has guided creation from the beginning. We know Her as beauty, as love, and as wisdom.
Sophia Legissophia Legislators
Sophia means “wisdom” in Greek. Wisdom can be defined as the ability to discern what is true, right and lasting. But Sophia is not merely an intellectual concept. In a higher sense, She is a living being with whom everyone can come into a relationship.
She has inspired men and women throughout the ages and in all cultures. It is Sophia who is at the heart of every true religion, guiding those who will to know and act in the light of what is true, right and lasting. She has been known as Radha, as Tara, as Prajna Paramita, as Isis, as Demeter, as Quan Yin, as Schekinah, and as the Virgin Mary.
Sophia Legissophia Legislative
Robert Powell, the author of The Sophia Teachings; the Emergence of the Divine Feminine in Our Time (link to MP3 download and Lantern Books, 2001), writes in his introduction: “I am not talking about an abstract quality […] I am referring to a living being, a being who is the Divine Mother of humanity, who cares for every one of us, who is deeply concerned about what is taking place in the world.
Sophia Legissophia Legislature
It is Sophia whom we seek as we strive to bring beauty, love, wisdom, justice, and peace into our dear world. The mission of the Sophia Foundation is to assist people to find and deepen a relationship to Sophia.