Word Counter is a tool that provides an extensive statistics about the number of words, characters, characters without spaces. This tool also reports the number of syllables, monosyllabic words, polysyllabic words, sentences, paragraphs, unique words, short words, long words.
Word Count for Your Spanish Translation
If you're interested in our English to Spanish translation services but don't know the total number of words that you need to translate, don't worry. You can easily calculate it below. Use one of the following four methods as a tool:
Method 1
If the text to be translated is available as a computer file, follow these instructions to obtain electronic word counts from the most common software programs:
Method 2
If the text is relatively short and you can copy/paste it in the box below, do so and click on the Count Words button.
Method 3
- Counting words in any document is always tiresome and time consuming. EssayMama Word Counter lets you know exactly the number of words as well as characters in a document. Be it essays, PDF or varied kinds of document, you can trust this online word counter to give you just the right results.
- Create a new document and edit it with others at the same time — from your computer, phone or tablet. Free with a Google account.
- This means counting each and every word in a piece of writing. And yes, it’s true, the IELTS markers will count every word you write. For this purpose, all words are created equal. ‘The’ is counted as one word, and so is ‘a’, ‘banana’, ‘micro-biology’, and ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.’.
If you cannot use Methods 1 or 2 and you know the total number of pages, just enter this number in the 'Total Pages' box below and then click the Calculate button. This method considers that one typed English-language page contains approximately 250 words. Please note that this is an estimate only and that the actual cost will be based on the word count that we calculate from your source (original) document.
Method 4
Send your source (original) document via e-mail to . Our English to Spanish translators will gladly calculate the total word count and reply with a detailed price quote and turn-around time proposal for your translation.
The calculator below gives the number of words in a text, number of unique words (total number of words minus all word repetirions). The calculator can also remove all the repetitions from the given text.